2022 Christmas Parade Rules and Application
CHRISTMAS PARADE RULES Admittance to the Christmas Parade will be denied if an application hasnot been received by the deadline date.Line-up for the parade will start at 4:00 p.m.Anyone behaving inappropriately will be removed immediately.All dogs must be “dressed” and on a leash-no Pit Bulls or large dogsallowed.Any horseback rider whose horse is not under control will be ask to exit/leave the parade.Christmas Parade Committee Members reserve the right to disqualify anyapplicant before or at the time of the parade due to noncompliance ofthese rules.No entry, other than the marching bands directed by the announcer will beallowed to stop on the parade route and perform unless pre-arranged withthe parade coordinator.A 30 foot distance must be maintain between you and the entry in front ofyou at all time.No one driving a…